Our Approach

An Interconnected Web of Life

At Wimberley Children’s House, we believe that a quality educational program supports the intellectual, emotional and physical health of the whole child, his environment, family and community. We view the school community as an interconnected vibrant web. This web, when viewed with the whole child in mind, addresses children holistically and in an integrated way (as well as staff, parents and community!). Our school web will include a lively arts program, fresh and healthy foods, naturally beautiful outdoor learning environments, sustainable and ecological practices, attachment-oriented emotional health strategies, physical exercise, and innovative learning approaches based on observation and inquiry.

The Child’s Special Relationship to Beauty in Small Things

In the 1929 Preamble to the Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child, it reads: “

Our environment has been carefully designed as Dr. Montessori put it “the most beautiful for the smallest people”. Attention to detail, natural and beautiful working materials, nuance, and creativity at the highest level we can muster is what we aim to give our future custodians, that as their brains develop in the fastest rate in life, they make deep connections to beauty and care in all aspects of life, so to prepare them for their job of carrying forth the flame of humanity in earnest, even long after we are gone.

However, no prepared activities can take the place of unstructured outdoor play time, and that is something which we strongly hold as essential to our program.  We all need time to integrate our learning, and time spent outdoors in unstructured play is paramount in this integration process for children.  Their brain synapses are growing at the fastest rate in all of life, and they need time to let those new connections strengthen.  They need time to talk and play freely with friends, develop social structures, solve interpersonal problems, dream and create, and breathe fresh air, be touched by the wind and the sun, and to be in sunlight that is dappled through leaves in the uniquely beautiful way that only the natural environment can provide. They need to get their hands dirty, to become comfortable and familiar with the earth and its living environment, and to integrate the theoretical information presented in the school with practical experience in nature.

Parent Involvement and Community of Lifelong Learners

In order to support the school’s mission, parent and community involvement is essential. We believe that parents need to understand, agree with and support what their child’s educational program is about. They need to see their children in action in the environment, engage in Child/Parent Work Nights where the children are the instructors. They need to learn about the philosophy and approach, gain strategies, get answers to questions, find help and support, and most importantly, they need to model what it means to be part of a community of learners, and to actively engage in learning.

Parent and Community of Learning events will be ongoing that specifically focus on threads of the school web will be vital to bringing the life of the school home and create the community we desire to build. Some examples of activities include Child/Parent Work Nights, Monthly Parent Talks, Seasonal Celebrations and Performances, and Field Trips. Examples of topics we will include in the monthly talks include: Montessori at Home, Brain Development, Montessori Math, Supporting Language Development, Building a Home Art Environment, Separation Anxiety, and Attachment Theory for Parents. We will both host these talks and ask expert colleagues to facilitate them-in person or by Zoom.

We ask that parents attend one event per month as part of the agreement between school and home-either in person or through Zoom. However, we believe in supporting our community, and will open up our Community of Lifelong Learners to all who are interested-homeschool parents, local educators, friends of children everywhere. We believe more voices and perspectives set the context for greater impact.

The Importance of Movement, Music and Art

We know that children need to move their bodies in many ways as they navigate their world and develop their bodies and brains. Therefore, we will prepare and provide many ways for young children to move and develop in our environment, both indoors and outdoors.

The regular exercises of Practical Life, Sensorial, Mathematics, Language, and Culture all give ample opportunities for children to engage with appropriately sized objects and to carry, push, pull, and manipulate those objects on a regular basis. In addition to those activities, we will provide integrated ongoing opportunities with music and movement inside and outside, and a wide range of open-ended art activities (not crafts) including sculpting, painting, building, modeling, and manipulating a variety of materials. WCH sees the arts as a built-in part of everyday life and the life of the school. It is part of our daily practice and, as such, is not confined to artifically structured “specials” slots.

These activities aid in the development of gross and fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, spatial reasoning and problem-solving, proprioception, and the development of the brain across the two hemispheres-the corpus callosum—all necessary parts of a well-rounded and developmentally appropriate program for young children.

Montessori Education Approach

Children learn best when material is meaningful and experiential, and when they have choice, responsibility, and respect.  Our goal is to empower students as learners which means that they make choices and pursue interests according to their own learning styles and pacing, within a classroom environment that by far exceeds Texas and Common Core Standards.

We know that multi-age classrooms foster maximum learning potential through collaboration and cooperative, non-competitive environments and materials.

Fostering the Flame of Imagination

The ultimate goal is for students to make good choices independently with minimal guidance - to find their own “flame of imagination” through their work, and to become inspired self-directed learners. Guidance in making responsible choices is done in a respectful way without guilt or shame, with the aim of moving the child towards independence and self-actualization.

Our Relationship with Food, the Earth and the Universe

We acknowledge the importance of healthy diet in the development of the whole child, and the impact that nutrition can have on optimal brain development, physical health and overall well-being.  A strong nutritional program aligns with addressing the needs of the whole child. We will offer healthy, nutrient-dense foods that the children will help to grow, cook and serve, fostering a close relationship with food, gardening, cooking skills.

Our relationship with food sets the stage for development of a unique orientation to the Earth, the cycles and patterns of life, and the Universe, itself-the contextual setting for Dr. Montessori’s philosophy of learning-Cosmic Education. Through our deep connection to the Earth and its sustenance of us, we can marvel at the rare and beautiful place on this sparkling blue planet we enjoy.

“Children develop their brains as well as their bodies through movement, and in the process of concentration, self-discipline, and perseverance with an active interest, the foundations of character are laid.”

—Maria Montessori, Maria Montessori Speaks to Parents, p. 72

Montessori Philosophy

The following points comprise the major tenets of the Montessori philosophy and also support the Mission and Vision of Wimberley Children’s House. There are distinguishing educational characteristics that set Montessori programs apart from others, and particular characteristic of WCH that we wish to amplify for clarity on our specific approach and philosophy.

Individualized, Differentiated Learning

Montessori education is built upon the foundation that all learners are individuals in their style, pace, strengths and interests. Our individualized curricular approach will allow children to strive for achieving optimal outcomes in a non-competitive setting while utilizing authentic Montessori philosophy and materials. Adult Guides and students will work together towards this end. Weekly Work Plans that list specific actions to be taken each week. These agreements and plans also support personal development. They allow students to make choices for themselves and their learning and give them the opportunity to reflect on and assess their growth as they develop subsequent plans.

Mixed-Age Groupings

Many beneficial outcomes occur in age-stratified settings including the opportunity for older children to model learning and to lead younger children through the learning process. This promotes cooperation and a sense of community. Older, experienced students also stabilize the classroom and facilitate teachers spending time with individual students and small groups.

Prepared Environment

Self-directed learning takes place when the learning environment, materials, and social climate are carefully set up by the Montessori trained adult. Montessori instruction progresses from concrete explorations and concept development to abstract understandings. Both the indoor and outdoor environments provide a safe and aesthetically pleasing space for learning. Opportunities for outdoor study of the natural environment may take place on school property or within the local area. A student may also bring materials outside of the classroom space for a change in learning environments. Careful preparation and modeling of the social environment introduces students to the rules and limits that when followed allow the freedom that exists in a successful Montessori classroom.

Montessori Materials

Materials designed by Dr. Montessori for specific learning concepts are neatly arranged on shelving and create a visual presence in the learning environment. These materials are multi-sensory, sequential, and self-correcting materials, which facilitate the learning of skills and concepts. Each classroom will be stocked with a full complement of age appropriate Montessori materials that are a consistent part of the Montessori curriculum.

Peace Curriculum and Conflict Resolution

An integral part of learning for all age levels includes respectful communication and tolerance for all individuals in the community. All adults interacting with students will model appropriate methods for conflict resolution, guide individuals or groups of students to learn non-violent communication methods, and facilitate the understanding of peace as it relates to our world today.

Teacher’s Role

The Montessori teacher functions as a designer of the environment, resource person, role model, demonstrator, record keeper, and meticulous observer of each child’s behavior and growth. The teacher acts as a facilitator of learning who integrates the teaching of all subjects, not as isolated disciplines, but as part of a whole intellectual tradition.

Cohesive School Community

Emphasis is placed on creating compassionate, respectful, and interconnected communities of learners within each classroom and is a critical focal point of each new school year. Teachers, staff, parents, and students will have opportunities to work together for the common good of the school and Wimberley community.

“It is not true,” says Dr. Montessori, “that I invented what is called the Montessori Method. I have studied the child, I have taken what the child has given me and expressed it, and that is what is called the Montessori Method.”

“Our relationship with the earth involves something more than pragmatic use, academic understanding, or aesthetic appreciation. A truly human intimacy with the earth and with the entire natural world is needed. Our children should be properly introduced to the world in which they live.”

Thomas Berry, “Human Presence,” in The Dream of the Earth